Reading online it looks like you have to do some dark magic file editing to change how dark the nights are. I even turned off FOOK2 and just ran Fellout and it was still really dark. Tried that, didn't seem to work no matter how I set the load order so I just learned to live with it because i was used to so muchg else FOOK2 added. I am intentionally avoiding the FOOK controversy to tell you this- the dark nights are a result of Fellout, if you want to bring the nights back to only a little darker than vanilla, search for 'Fellout Nights Restored' and load it after Fellout or FOOK (since FOOK includes Fellout) Not sure what mod in FOOK2 it is that adds all the realistic guns but its better than picking up 10 "chinese 10mm"įOOK2 is really just a collection of mods which I guess could cuase trouble but it's easier than tracking down mods, some of which haven't been updated in years and don't play nice with others. Honestly after using it for so long the vanilla game seems dull. I played for about 30 minutes and got tired of picking up generic guns and items. I did turn off FOOK2 at one point just to see the vanilla night and it was an ugly green mess. I have been running it since I started the game (thanks summer steam sale!) and the only issue I have is the night time is so dark you basically can't play, which is realistic IMO so I just fast travel back to my home and sleep, bonus is that I am always well rested. Whats wrong with FOOK2? I have seen hate for it on other forums and I don't get it.