DEFAULT is the profile for the Local SYSTEM account not the default profile that's used when creating new user profiles. DEFAULT is something different than loading c:\users\Default\ntuser.dat. If this answer help please mark it as a answer :) Thanks, Ricardo Cabral Se essa resposta ajuda por favor, marque-o como uma resposta :) Obrigado, Ricardo Cabral

IN HKEY_USERS\S-\Control Panel\Keyboard Next, and changing the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2.IN HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard, and changing the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2.Double-click the “InitialKeyboardIndicators” value in the right pane and set it to “2”. In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard.You can set this setting in every computer registry or in insert the new registry records settings in AD.