Default num lock on windows 10
Default num lock on windows 10

default num lock on windows 10

DEFAULT is the profile for the Local SYSTEM account not the default profile that's used when creating new user profiles. DEFAULT is something different than loading c:\users\Default\ntuser.dat. If this answer help please mark it as a answer :) Thanks, Ricardo Cabral Se essa resposta ajuda por favor, marque-o como uma resposta :) Obrigado, Ricardo Cabral

default num lock on windows 10

IN HKEY_USERS\S-\Control Panel\Keyboard Next, and changing the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2.IN HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard, and changing the InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2.Double-click the “InitialKeyboardIndicators” value in the right pane and set it to “2”. In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard.You can set this setting in every computer registry or in insert the new registry records settings in AD.

Default num lock on windows 10